Township Office Staff & Hours
The township office is not staffed on a full-time basis. If you need a building permit or have questions regarding building or zoning in South Newton Township, please contact the Secretary, Ami Myers, at: 717-360-4780 during hours of 9-6 Monday-Friday. We will see you get directed to the right person to fit your needs. Emergency…
Comprehensive Plan
South Newton Township, along with the assistance of Cumberland County, are in the beginning stages of a several month process of doing a Comprehensive Plan for the township. What is a Comprehensive Plan? It isĀ an all-inclusive approach to analyzing and evaluating the future growth of the township. The township would like to extend an invitation…
What’s Happening In Cumberland County
Are they spraying pesticide in my area? When do the County Commissioners meet? A calendar of events can be found by clicking the link:
Sewage Enforcement
South Newton Township does not offer public sewer. Your property is connected to an onlot sewage disposal system. Do you pump your septic tank on a regular basis? No?…Why Not? Would you change the oil in your car only when it starts running wrong? Well, your septic is no different. Over time, sludge in your…