Zoning/Code Questions & Building Permits

Zoning/Code Questions & Building Permits

Questions regarding the township’s zoning or building permit policy? Your first step is to contact our the township secretary at: 717-530-7626 or 717-360-4780. You MUST call us before you proceed with any project! Applications for building, conditional use, variance, etc can be found under the “Zoning & Code Applications” tab on the homepage. If you need assistance from our Zoning Officer regarding an existing permit, contact Joe Bilger at: 717-440-5441.

Home Businesses

Home businesses are permitted within South Newton Township. To establish a home business, it is imperative to obtain the necessary approval. To initiate this process, it is recommended to reach out to the township office and engage in a discussion regarding your prospective home business venture. In the event that immediate assistance is unavailable, kindly leave a message or contact the township secretary at 717-360-4780. Engaging in a home business without the approvals may result in fines; therefore, adherence to township protocols is strongly advised.

Business Signs

Recently, the township has observed an increase in unauthorized ‘pop-up’ business signs displayed on properties. It is imperative to obtain official approval before installing a business sign on your property, regardless of its dimensions. Kindly reach out to the township office to acquire the necessary application for approval.